What Is a Comp Card and Why All Models Should Have One

Composite Card of Layla Ong
The most important item for a model.

If you are just starting out as a model, you might have gotten requests from casting agents or clients asking for your comp card. Read on to find out why the comp card is one of the most important items to have on you during castings and how to create one for yourself.

A comp card (composite card) is the model’s business card. It contains basic information like your name, measurements, photos, and contact information. It is to help casting agents or clients remember who you are and know who to contact should you get the job.

What Is on a Composite Card

The standard model comp card size is much bigger than a business card. It is slightly bigger than a post card. The standard size is A5 or 5.5″ x 8.5″ and is usually printed on double-sided.

On one side, it has the model’s name, stats, and headshot. The headshot should show the model’s features clearly. If the model’s face is covered, clients might assume that the agency is trying to cover a flaw.

Model’s stats to include:

  • Height
  • Vital stats (bust/chest, waist, hips)
  • Hair colour
  • Eye colour
  • Shoe size

On the other side of the comp card, showcase 4 or 6 photos from the model’s portfolio. The selected photos should show off the model’s range. This will act as a mini portfolio of the model. The agency’s contact information is usually found on this side of the comp card as well. If you are a freelancer, include your own details here.

Why Should You Use A Comp Card

Often, there are job requests coming into the agency looking for a certain kind of model. For example, caucasian female with blonde hair. The booker will compile the comp cards of all the models who fit this description and send it over to the client. The client will then choose who they want to cast or select based on the comp cards. This is why the photos on the comp card should present the best of the model’s portfolio.

A model should always bring their portfolio book and comp card for casting. During casting, the client will look through the portfolio book and request for a comp card. The comp card helps the client track who to shortlist and which agency represents them. It is likely that a model without a comp card would not be shortlisted. Therefore, it is important to inform your agency if you are running low on comp cards.

When To Update Your Comp Card

The photos on the model’s comp card should reflect his/her current appearance. If a model has made significant changes to his/her appearances (different hair length or colour), the comp card needs to be updated. The photos will also need to be replaced if there are newer and better photos (magazine covers, international fashion shows, major campaigns, etc.).

Your booker is the best person to determine which photos to put on the comp card. They have the industry expertise and experience to know what kind of photos will work and land the model jobs.


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Picture of Alex Lee

Alex Lee

Co-founder and Marketing Director at Basic Models Management. When Alex needs to be more productive, he listens to Daft Punk and imagines he is a robot working in an assembly line.